The most important time in the world is the time you make for yourself. So take the time to do what makes your soul happy.

We believe taking care of yourself naturally is the safest way to live your life to the fullest & on a healthy, affordable budget. The holistic approach goes back to ancient times, which I believe is the best way to live.

I’m a Certified Reiki Master, practicing the law of attraction, raising positive vibrations to enjoy a happier, healthier, longer lifestyle of living. All natural holistic practices...including essential oils, crystal healing, as well as reiki healing. I also have available crystals of all sorts, custom gemstone jewelry, and make essential oil blends as well. I'm an empath here to help heal & assist those in need. I have become very passionate about holistic healing and meditation, as it has helped me with many ailments from physical to emotional. I'm a spiritual person and have been on an amazing spiritual journey for a while now. I do have many beliefs in everything beautiful above, as I've come to realize my wonderful abilities I've been given. I have a huge passion for crystals as they've brought me closer to nature and I resonate with them, it was essentially the way many were healed centuries ago before modern medicine.

I create custom jewelry with natural gemstones, some along with added embellishments, including alloy and sterling silver for an added touch, several intuitively created. I also sell a large variety of different crystals otherwise referred to as gemstones as they've been known for their natural healing and metaphysical properties for centuries, some are even incorporated with my essential oils blends as well.